0415 379 638

Information, reports and comments about the mobile phone number 0415379638.

Reports and Other Statistics
Safe Caller: 0
Unsafe Caller: 1
Searches: 14
Comments: 8

Is 0415 379 638 safe or not?

Most recent search date: April 09, 2024. Most recent report date: December 12, 2019.

General Information
International Format + 61 415 379 638
Country Australia
Phone Type Mobile
Mobile Phone Company Vodafone

Originally, mobile phone number 0415 379 638 allocated to the Vodafone company. However, this may have changed due to number portability or usage by a mobile virtual network operator.

Comments about 0415379638

another one
Caller Type: Unknown

i am sure his arse was like a red arse baboon was it cheryl? you would know
his wife
Caller Type: Unknown

When he introduced himself to you, cheryl four months ago did he say "hello i'm grandpa shitalot"?
his wife
Caller Type: Unknown

He came on from your little cheap meet up smelling of poo and granny maes moth ball perfume trying to cover both your old rotting stenches Pigs love rolling in poo
his wife
Caller Type: Unknown

cheryl you old lady loosey goosey he says he has no pride, no morals and no dignity cheating on me with YOU and i would go to the doctor and get tested if i was you. at your age lol but i don't think you have any shame or morals either
his wife
Caller Type: Unknown

You cheryl are a freeloader he stole off me to pay for your cheap meet up motel room
his wife
Caller Type: Unknown

Do you live in rivervale perth WA cheryl? Don't pretend you didn't continue seeing the dirty old smellcakes that smells like poo after he told you he was married. Your a desperado who can't find their own old man. There is a reason for that!!!!!
his wife
Caller Type: Unknown

is your name Cheryl? and a 50 year old diaper arse that cheated with my husband? from a dating app. Step forward!!!! He never told you he was married until he got what he wanted out of you, you were used and abused. we reap what we sow. i wanna talk to you!!!'
susie smith
Caller Type: Unknown

this number is private and has been put on here by a narc who is gaslighting me!!!

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This was a prerecorded Chinese(i recognised ni hao) speaking spam call
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Receive a text from this number saying they were from Auspost.
Caller Type: Scam

Beware of this number. It's a scam. They send a message such as the one below. DO NOT CLICK on the link provided. I personally confirmed this information with Australia Post. Notice. Unsuccessful delivery 29th. To arrange a re-delivery, please visit https://track-austpost.business and follow the parcel routine
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