(03) 4100 0111

Information, reports and comments about the landline phone number 0341000111.

Reports and Other Statistics
Safe Caller: 0
Unsafe Caller: 5
Searches: 16
Comments: 2

Is (03) 4100 0111 safe or not?

Most recent search date: March 22, 2024. Most recent report date: April 01, 2016.

General Information
International Format + 61 3 4100 0111
Area Code (03)
Phone Type Landline
Country Australia
Region South - East Region
Geographical Area Traralgon, Bairnsdale
Area Map

Landline phone number 03 4100 0111 area is Traralgon, Bairnsdale . However, it may also be located anywhere in the Australia.

Comments about 0341000111

Pete G
Caller Type: Scam

This number is used by a tax cold call scammer in Victoria, Australia. Do not return the call, they are scams designed to trick people into sending money and personal information to criminals. If you call back on the number left by the scammers, you will be told that you must immediately send money via a wire service such as Western Union to cover a supposed tax debt and avoid immanent arrest. The scammers may also ask you to provide a large amount of your personal and financial information, which they may later use to steal your identity
marie johnson
Caller Type: Scam

caller identifies himself as james anderson, an investigative officer from the ATO, calling to give me a final opportunity to rectify an unusual calculation in my tax returns from 2010-2015. 2 registered letters were sent to me and returned to the ATO. an ATO employee delivered a yellow notice to my front door. this was my final opportunity to rectify the situation before legal proceedings were begun. caller is male with a strong indian accent, phone line is not good, making it difficult to understand caller. I asked for his details so that I could call him on a better line. the number he gave me was 03 41000111 - this is not an ATO number. his officer id was 0693. he gave me details of an address in collins street, melbourne as his place of employment. I did not give him the chance to ask for any money.

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