0408 642 780

Information, reports and comments about the mobile phone number 0408642780.

Reports and Other Statistics
Safe Caller: 1
Unsafe Caller: 16
Searches: 1063
Comments: 11

Is 0408 642 780 safe or not?

Most recent search date: May 10, 2024. Most recent report date: November 06, 2019.

General Information
International Format + 61 408 642 780
Country Australia
Phone Type Mobile
Mobile Phone Company Telstra

Originally, mobile phone number 0408 642 780 allocated to the Telstra company. However, this may have changed due to number portability or usage by a mobile virtual network operator.

Comments about 0408642780

Caller Type: Prank Call

Keeps calling and saying he masturbates in front of young girls and cums on their seats, he has also threated to ass rape me. Amongst other horrible things. Says he wears his sisters lingerie and borrows his mothers 14" black dildo.
Caller Type: Prank Call

calls several times a day. Said his name is Jim this time. Same number though ????
adult store
Caller Type: Prank Call

yep the little chode is doing the rounds again making rape threats. his name is JASON. so when he calls call him out by his name and let him know hes famous. i did.
Retail Assistant Adult Store
Caller Type: Prank Call

Sex offender calls all of our stores several times a day with offensive comments about his penis or masturbating infront of young girls, today he just asked me if I could report him to the police
Caller Type: Unknown

rings my work place constantly stating he is going to rape me
Caller Type: Unknown

Calls my place of work non stop (brothel). Mentions watching young girls, and other deviant acts. Apparently name is Jason, he says he’s 30 and married. Wants to be reported to police.
Manager Adult Store
Caller Type: Unknown

Rang to tell me that he drank from the ladies toilet bowl with number 3 in it as it turned him on, told me he was getting off on it as we speak... He didn’t seem fussed if I called the cops or not...
Caller Type: Prank Call

Harassed the business I work at day and night. Have been to the police for misuse of a telecommunications service but they haven’t done anything as yet. He calls dozens to hundreds of times a day. He has a new number so now he has 2 numbers: 0478 682 983. Says things like stuff about sex with his sister and how he wants to go to jail. I’m trying to put him there is only Qld police will come to the party.
Caller Type: Prank Call

Prank caller. Sex offender. Calls asking about sex with children.
Caller Type: Debt Collector

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Recent Comments about Numbers Starting with 0408

Caller Type: SMS

I had a msg from this number this morning at 4:58am saying Package delivery failed. Please rectify your details at https://post.ordertrs.cc promptly for successful redelivery. It’s a scam and I didn’t click on link just delete and block Australia post will never send those msg it will come up as auspost if it legit
Caller Type: Scam

I had a missed call from this number yesterday at 11:57am and didn’t answer it left a message saying "Was for details. English service please press one. Chinese service(?) please press two. Hello. Optus Customer Service Centre. I’m not with Optus I blocked and reported the number
Caller Type: Prank Call

0408 684924 nuisance call
Caller Type: Unknown

Caller rang 8 times in row before having some kind of uncontrolable mouth flatulence episode with imagined put down puffing when the call was answered. So much for the bath. Suspected asshat call. My location: Brisbane Qld
Caller Type: Prank Call

Unsafe. nuisance caller. Do not trust, do not answer. Report to police if he harasses you.