(03) 9093 0657

Information, reports and comments about the landline phone number 0390930657.

Reports and Other Statistics
Safe Caller: 0
Unsafe Caller: 9
Searches: 2138
Comments: 4

Is (03) 9093 0657 safe or not?

Most recent search date: March 12, 2024. Most recent report date: August 30, 2019.

General Information
International Format + 61 3 9093 0657
Area Code (03)
Phone Type Landline
Country Australia
Region South - East Region
Geographical Area Melbourne
Area Map

Landline phone number 03 9093 0657 area is Melbourne . However, it may also be located anywhere in the Australia.

Comments about 0390930657

Caller Type: Scam

Scam! The caller said he worked for probe. He insisted they needed to collect money from me on behalf of ATO but I am not due to have to pay my tax debt for several weeks.
Caller Type: Scam

Saying that they are calling on behalf of the ATO. I called the ATO and I don’t have any debts also haven’t worked for years. They said they were probe group. I received a call back and I stated that I didn’t have a debt. They said it wasn’t in regards to a debt. But are claiming they are a debt collection agency. I hung up after that.
Caller Type: Scam

Pretty sure this is a scam, said he acted on behalf of the ATO, and wanted personal details. I received a different call from an unknown number a few weeks ago, claiming I owed money. I called the ATO directly and was told I owe nothing. Don’t give out your personal details to these people, call ATO directly!
Caller Type: Debt Collector

This caller said they were representing the ATO and were collection agents for ATO. They were advising me because I owe the ATO money and wanted my personal details before they could give out any details about the issue. I know I don't owe the ATO any money. Unfortunately, I didn't catch the name of the caller or the company.

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