0404 963 064

Information, reports and comments about the mobile phone number 0404963064.

Reports and Other Statistics
Safe Caller: 0
Unsafe Caller: 131
Searches: 8
Comments: 10

Is 0404 963 064 safe or not?

Most recent search date: March 11, 2024. Most recent report date: November 05, 2018.

General Information
International Format + 61 404 963 064
Country Australia
Phone Type Mobile
Mobile Phone Company Vodafone

Originally, mobile phone number 0404 963 064 allocated to the Vodafone company. However, this may have changed due to number portability or usage by a mobile virtual network operator.

Comments about 0404963064

St James
Caller Type: Unknown

This person is the most annoying individual to ever cross my path. Save your time, ha g up now. Epic idiot.
Elois? M
Caller Type: Scam

Scam artist who managed to get into the real estate market. Nothing ethical, sincere or genuine about this person. Loud, obnoxious and clearly over compensating for both a lack of self confidence and knowledge of linguistics. Overly persistent with no boundaries.
Louisia. V
Caller Type: Prank Call

Disgusting person.
Tracie. G
Caller Type: Unknown

Goes through women faster this. He changes his underwear. Disgusting sex addict type who thinks he’s charming but he’s not. He thinks he fools everyone but he doesn’t. Acts in a manner that is revolting towards women. Disgusting. Women beware. This is not a good man and he will harass the daylights out of you. I know women who have changed their number and moved away because of this person. He speaks openly about his prior life and he has had a VERY checkered past, VERY. It is astonishing what he has gotten away with and surprising that Australia allows him here.
R. O'Connor
Caller Type: Unknown

Ii have waited for this person to juat fade from my life but it has nit happened. I have gone through periods of anxiety, fear and ultimately been lwft with a sense of feeling unsafe. His continued malicious, vindictive & underhandes behaviour has been unacceptable & is completely congruent with someone who has narcissistic personality issues. I would caution any person who is spending time with this person. Guard your privacy, espwcially your tech & devices, do not let him near your phone, be hypervigilant of the pictures he is taking of you - he has a morally corrupt way of viewing the world, his sense of entitlement is off the charts. He has tried to assiasinate my character and destroy working relstionships. Be very careful.
Caller Type: Scam

Used car salesman type, thinks he’s clever. Arrogant, cocky, loud and annoying. Finally, to get rid of him, hung up on him and the jerk rang back.
Luke Timmens
Caller Type: Unknown

This Dude has ZERO integrity. None.
Jenny P*****
Caller Type: Scam

This guy is a real creep, really fake, wouldn’t trust him with my dog.
Caller Type: Unknown

Warning to women. Not a good guy.
L Mileston
Caller Type: Prank Call

Inappropriate sexual contact
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Hi Poppa
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An Asian brothel that has underage girls working there
Caller Type: Scam

Scam. Do not trust.
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Recording claiming to be from Visa. Clearly a scam as I don't have a Visa card...
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