0413 583 952

Information, reports and comments about the mobile phone number 0413583952.

Reports and Other Statistics
Safe Caller: 0
Unsafe Caller: 1
Searches: 21
Comments: 1

Is 0413 583 952 safe or not?

Most recent search date: April 14, 2024. Most recent report date: November 11, 2021.

General Information
International Format + 61 413 583 952
Country Australia
Phone Type Mobile
Mobile Phone Company Optus

Originally, mobile phone number 0413 583 952 allocated to the Optus company. However, this may have changed due to number portability or usage by a mobile virtual network operator.

Comments about 0413583952

Caller Type: Scam

Called by this number telling me that my NBN connection was insecure and that they would resolve the issue with me online - no verification of details or account to prove they were from my ISP. When I challenged them, they got annoyed and threatened to cut off my internet connection for 3 months.

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About Results
We determine phone number company based on the first few numbers of the phone number because each mobile phone company is allocated numbers in blocks.
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Recent Comments about Numbers Starting with 0413

Caller Type: Unknown

I saw he has a girlfriend. I found her Facebook and voila, there's a lovely pic of the two of them sitting in a plane with a champagne in hand bound for Thailand....
Caller Type: Unknown

Considering his number is not listed under his work file, this number is just for his online Antics. Women need to know the truth.
Caller Type: Unknown

This guy needs to be held accountable for his poor behaviour. I know where he works, has a good job but how many more women is he doing this to by not answering his phone.
Caller Type: SMS

That’s a lie! It’s my number.
Caller Type: Scam
