Prefix 0418 707

General Information
Phone Type Mobile
Country Australia
Mobile Phone Company Telstra

Recent Comments about Numbers Starting with Prefix 0418 707

Caller Type: Unknown

It’s on phone records but when call back it says, ‘The number you have called is not connected. Please check the number and call again.’ How does it appear nearly monthly as outgoing calls - on phone bills?
Caller Type: Unknown

This number appears on his phone records but when I ring it, it says it is disconnected!! Looks like Telstra has a service whereby a number can ONLY be reached if ring Telstra 1234, know & give the person’s/business name, and THEN be connected? Why such a level of secrecy & privacy? And sadly, this went on for years. No bad feelings to the service of this number, it’s not their fault he accessed it when in a relationship- cos I’m seriously thinking the worst around this number he rings. Seriously - What on earth is going on ffs??? Thank you so, so much in advance, for any answers.
Caller Type: Unknown

this number is scamming

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