(08) 6214 4221

Information, reports and comments about the landline phone number 0862144221.

Reports and Other Statistics
Safe Caller: 0
Unsafe Caller: 7
Searches: 58
Comments: 4

Is (08) 6214 4221 safe or not?

Most recent search date: April 16, 2024. Most recent report date: November 09, 2021.

General Information
International Format + 61 8 6214 4221
Area Code (08)
Phone Type Landline
Country Australia
Region Central and West Region
Geographical Area Perth City
Area Map

Landline phone number 08 6214 4221 area is Perth City . However, it may also be located anywhere in the Australia.

Comments about 0862144221

Caller Type: Scam

Caller was asking whether I could pass a message onto someone I knew only by name. They said it was important which struck me as weird since they could contact them directly.
Aint nobody got time for that
Caller Type: Scam

Caller was asking whether I could pass a message onto someone I knew only by name. They said it was important which struck me as weird since they could contact them directly. I asked how they got my phone contact and they admitted to receiving it from social media. I told them I wasn't a secretary and that they are very unprofessional to contact the friends of a person they wish to speak to.
Melissa Pearce
Caller Type: Scam

I had a call from this number from bloke called Janka (yes it sounded like wanker), he knew my name and said he was calling about a credit card debt and asked me to verify my ID by giving my DOB address etc. I told him he was a pretty amateur scammer and that if he was fair dinkum he would sound far more professional. He kept saying ‘am not a scammer madam’ - I told him to get his manager to call me back if he was fair dinkum and thatch should be able to give me more detail in identifying himself. Beware - it’s a scam
Peed Off
Caller Type: Unknown

Someone called Deborah Lee left a msg on my phone asking me to call back urgently, it was an urgent matter I needed to contact her quickly. I rang back and she started asking questions about a person who has or is living in my unit block. Telling me that its urgent she get in contact with her. I went off my nut as I thought one of my relatives had been in an accident or something, but this scum who i think is a debt collector was using scare tactics to get me to answer her call. I told her it all sounds dodgy and it all sounded like a scam, i told her no one is going to give her info with the way she handled herself, i was so angry and swore and her a few times and hung up and blocked her number. If you get a call from this number telling you its urgent, block it as its just greedy debt collectors or scammers.

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